100 years young! 

100 years young! 

Celebrating 100 remarkable years, Marion Hope—educator, community pillar, and lifelong learner—reconnects with a former student in an extraordinary reunion. From the coal oil lamps of a railway station to the vibrant halls of Armstrong's museum, Marion's century-long journey is a testament to the power of dedication, community service, and the joys of lifelong connections.

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Getting the Whole Picture

Getting the Whole Picture

The major purpose of a good commercial or advertisement is to address a need; and then attempt to show how the product, service, or organization being advertised meets that need. One of the reasons we are drawn to certain advertising messages is because we identify or connect with that need on an intellectual, physical, spiritual or emotional basis.

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Train Rides to Acts of Love

Train Rides to Acts of Love

It was a cool day in Winnipeg on October 6, 1934, when Joyce Schmidt would enter this world. Joyce's birth mom was Eva Marie Harrison, who tragically passed away when Joyce was just four years old. Her father, Adam Schmidt, worked away; therefore, Joyce was cared for by her grandmother for a few years before boarding a troop train, which would end up being the first of many train rides in her life.

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